Embracing Retainers: The Key to a Lasting Smile

Maintaining a beautifully aligned smile is an achievement worth celebrating. After the hard work put into braces, Invisalign, or other orthodontic treatments, the next crucial step in preserving that perfect smile is the use of retainers. At Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics, we understand the significance of retainers in achieving long-lasting results and a healthy, confident grin. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why retainers are essential, the various types available, and how they play a crucial role in your orthodontic journey.

The Importance of Retainers:

Stability Matters:

After completing orthodontic treatment, your teeth are in a state of transition. They have been moved to their desired positions, but the surrounding tissues, muscles, and bones need time to adjust and stabilize. Retainers act as a security measure, preventing any unwanted shifting and maintaining the new alignment achieved through orthodontic treatment.

Preventing Relapse:

Without the use of retainers, there is a risk of orthodontic relapse, where teeth gradually revert to their previous misaligned positions. Retainers help safeguard against this regression, ensuring that your investment in a beautiful smile remains intact.

Guiding Emerging Teeth:

For those still in the growth phase, retainers play a vital role in guiding emerging teeth into their proper positions. This proactive approach ensures that potential alignment issues are addressed early on, reducing the need for extensive orthodontic interventions in the future.

Types of Retainers:

Hawley Retainers:

These retainers consist of a plastic base that sits against the roof of the mouth and a wire that runs across the front of the teeth. Hawley retainers are easily adjustable and can be customized with different colors and designs.

Clear Retainers:

Clear retainers, also known as Essix retainers, are often favored for their discreet appearance. Made from a transparent plastic material, they are practically invisible when worn. Clear retainers are custom-fit to your teeth and offer a seamless way to maintain your smile.

Fixed Retainers:

Unlike removable retainers, fixed retainers are bonded to the back of the front teeth. This type of retainer is a great option for individuals who may find it challenging to consistently wear removable retainers.

Do I Need to Replace My Retainer if it Gets Lost or Broken?

If you lost or break your retainer, it is extremely important to replace it as soon as possible. If you don’t replace it, the teeth will shift back to their original position and once again need orthodontic treatment to be fixed. Even waiting as long as a week could be enough to cause significant tooth movement, to the point where the old retainer doesn’t fit correctly.


At Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics, we recognize that each patient’s orthodontic journey is unique. Retainers play a pivotal role in ensuring the longevity of your beautiful smile, and choosing the right type is crucial. We believe that your treatment needs to be tailored to your specific needs. Certain retainers are better for certain patients. Dr. Carolyn Cronin and Dr. Scott Czarnik will use their years of experience and expertise to help prescribe what is best to protect your smile.

If you have any questions about retainers or if you’re interested in learning more about orthodontic options, we invite you to reach out to us for a complimentary consultation. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and guiding you towards a lifetime of confident smiles. Don’t hesitate to take the next step in your orthodontic adventure – we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Call or Text 303-428-3613 today!

2023 Spark Award for Entrepreneurship in Central Colorado

Better Business Bureau Great West + Pacific announces Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics of Westminster and Winter Park, CO, the recipient of its 2023 Spark Award for Entrepreneurship in Central Colorado.

The Spark Awards honors exceptional local businesses operating for three years or less and entrepreneurs aged 35 or younger.

“We are excited to congratulate Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics on receiving the 2023 Spark Award for Entrepreneurship in Central Colorado,” said Tyler Andrew, president and CEO of BBB Great West + Pacific. “This award was created to highlight new businesses making a difference in their community, and Drs. Cronin, Czarnik, and their team are standout examples of this important work.”

An independent panel of judges selected Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics based on the company’s unwavering commitment to serving their community.

“Since I started my practice, giving back to the community has been a pillar of my value system,” said Dr. Cronin. “I am credentialed at a nearby hospital and volunteer on the Cleft Lip and Craniofacial team. Patients who attend this clinic are in need of many difficult procedures and expertise from multiple medical specialties. The access to care is limited and the cost to care is extremely high. I am fortunate to have the skills and knowledge to help this much deserving group and cannot express how rewarding it is to be a part of this interdisciplinary team that provides these volunteer services.”

The announcement of Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics as the Spark Award honoree for Central Colorado was announced in partnership with Denver Startup Week at an event on Wednesday, September 20th. Their business will also be celebrated as part of a virtual ceremony to be held on October 26, 2023.

The BBB Spark Awards for Entrepreneurship celebrates emerging entrepreneurial businesses whose leaders demonstrate a high level of character, generate a culture that is authentic about its mission and genuinely connects with their community.

Dr. Carlyn Cronin and Dr. Scott Czarnik strive to make their office a sanctuary for both their employees and patients.  One of their goals is for patients to be genuinely excited about their next visit and look at their treatment as a Smile Journey. Dr. Cronin and Dr. Czarnik are both very passionate about their practice and continue to strive for excellence within their field.

Dr. Cronin and Dr. Czarnik are both extremely grateful for this recognition and thank the Better Business Bureau for honoring them with this award.

Trick or Treat: What Halloween Candy Can I Eat With Braces?

Halloween is right around the corner, and we all know what that means – candy galore! But if you’re one of our fantastic orthodontic patients at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics, you might be wondering which Halloween treats you can safely enjoy with your braces. Fear not, because we’re here to guide you through the candy aisle and share some tips and tricks for maintaining your braces’ cleanliness during this spooky season.

Brace-Friendly Halloween Candy:

  • Soft Chocolate: Good news for chocolate lovers! Soft chocolates like Hershey’s Kisses, Milky Way, and Three Musketeers are gentle on braces and melt in your mouth without risking damage.
  • Peanut Butter Cups: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are another braces-friendly option. Their soft peanut butter filling and smooth chocolate exterior make them a safe and delicious treat.
  • Plain M&M’s: M&M’s without nuts or crispy shells are a safe bet. These bite-sized candies won’t put your braces at risk and come in a variety of colors to match the Halloween spirit.
  • Marshmallows: Whether you’re roasting them over a campfire or enjoying them in a hot cocoa, marshmallows are braces-friendly and perfect for Halloween treats.
  • Sugar-Free Gum: If you crave a chewy treat, opt for sugar-free gum. Chewing gum can help keep your mouth fresh and clean, but make sure it doesn’t contain any hard particles.

Tips and Tricks for Keeping Braces Clean: Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial when you have braces. Here are some essential tips to ensure your braces stay clean and your Halloween remains cavity-free:

  • Brush After Eating: Carry a travel toothbrush and toothpaste with you so you can brush your teeth after indulging in Halloween treats. Proper brushing removes food particles that can get stuck in your braces.
  • Floss Regularly: Flossing with braces may require a little extra effort, but it’s vital. Use a floss threader or orthodontic floss to clean between your teeth and around your wires and brackets.
  • Avoid Sticky and Hard Candies: Even though we’ve highlighted some safe options, it’s best to avoid extremely sticky or hard candies altogether. They can damage your braces or get stuck, leading to oral health issues.
  • Attend Regular Orthodontic Check-ups: Continue attending your scheduled orthodontic appointments with us. We’ll ensure your braces are in good condition and provide any necessary adjustments.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps wash away food particles and keeps your mouth clean. Plus, it’s a healthy habit that supports your overall well-being.

Halloween is a time for fun and treats, and with the right choices and diligent oral care, you can enjoy the festivities without compromising your orthodontic treatment. Remember to indulge in brace-friendly candies, brush and floss regularly, and maintain your orthodontic check-up schedule. By following these guidelines, you can have a spooktacular Halloween while keeping your braces clean and healthy. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics. Happy Halloween!

Top Invisalign Provider

Invisalign has been growing in popularity with both children and adults. Given how effective and comfortable Invisalign clear aligners are it’s no wonder people are opting for this treatment to straighten and align their teeth.  In place of traditional metal brackets and wires, these custom-fit, clear aligners, move your teeth gradually into the optimal position.  This treatment offers far more flexibility allowing for fewer visits to the office and faster treatment results!

How to Choose an Invisalign Provider?

If you are thinking about starting Invisalign clear aligner treatment, we are here to break things down for you. Choosing a credible, experienced orthodontist that will give you a customized treatment plan is the first step. Both doctors at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics pride themselves on being the best at what they do. Dr. Cronin and Dr. Czarnik have received Invisalign’s highest award possible and are Diamond Plus Providers.

What Does Diamond Plus Mean?

Invisalign providers are broken down into tiers by how much experience they have. This is based upon how many patients they have treated with Invisalign clear aligners. The most experienced doctors receive a Diamond Plus Top 1% rating. Dr. Cronin and Dr. Czarnik are proud to have provided outstanding care to so many patients that they are Diamond Plus Top 1% Providers. 

Why Experience Matters?

  • No case is too challenging or complex
  • We have a proven history of providing outstanding care to thousands of patients
  • Your treatment is more efficient allowing you to achieve a perfect smile in less time
  • You can relax knowing that you are in good hands

Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?

ALMOST ANYONE! Do you have…

  1. Crooked teeth
  2. Crowded teeth
  3. Gaps between teeth
  4. Overbite or underbite
  5. Crossbite
  6. Open bite or deep bite
  7. Bite issues
  8. Chipping teeth or wear on your teeth
  9. Missing teeth
  10. TMJ or jaw pain

If you have any of the above or are just curious to learn more about orthodontics with Invisalign we are happy to help! There are no age restrictions and no case is too difficult for Dr. Carolyn Cronin & Dr. Scott Czarnik. 

Each case is unique and we would love to talk to you about YOUR smile! 

Call or text our office to inquire about scheduling your complimentary exam: (303) 428-3613

Proudly serving the North Denver community (Westminster, Arvada, Thornton, Northglenn and more!) as well as our second location in Winter Park, CO serving Grand County (Winter Park, Granby, Hot Sulphur Springs and more!)

The Surprising Ways the Size of Your Jaw Can Affect Your Health

A small or narrow upper jaw is often behind some of the common orthodontic problems Dr. Cronin and I treat, including crowded top teeth and crossbites. But, did you know, aside from the appearance of your smile, the size of your jaw can also have a direct effect on your overall health and wellbeing?

Research shows a small jaw is tied to:

  • Stuffy Noses and Sinus Issues

Your palate (the roof of the mouth), which is part of the bone that forms the upper jaw, called the maxilla, is the base of your nose. Yup, that means when the upper jaw or palate is narrow, the floor of the nose is also narrow.

A narrow nasal cavity makes you more susceptible to stuffy noses and sinus issues. It also interferes with your ability to properly breathe through your nose in general.  

Nasal breathing is actually incredibly important. In a review published in Current Trends in Otolaryngology and Rhinology, the authors noted that nasal breathing gives us our sense of smell, enhances oxygen absorption by the lungs, filters out impurities and humidifies and warms the air we breathe. It’s also crucial for craniofacial development, head posture, TMJ function and more. 

  • Mouth Breathing

If you can’t breathe out of your nose properly, you’re forced to breathe out of your mouth. Mouth breathing is fine when you’re doing intense exercise or you have the occasional cold. But when it’s chronic, it becomes a huge problem. And since mouth breathing usually happens at night during sleep, people often don’t notice that they or their child are even doing it. 

When you’re constantly breathing through your mouth, the body has to compromise to ensure there is enough oxygen in the blood at the expense of other biological functions. This can cause a host of consequences, including sleep-disordered breathing. 

In young children who are still growing, mouth breathing and jaw development are a double-edged sword. Nasal obstruction from a small upper jaw can cause mouth breathing, but mouth breathing can also cause a small upper jaw and nasal obstruction, as well as other skeletal changes. 

Chronic mouth breathers frequently develop a long, narrow face, receding chin and narrow dental arch. As the permanent teeth erupt, crowding, a crossbite and poor tongue posture are then much more likely. 

  • Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Including Obstructive Sleep Apnea

There are a number of different causes of sleep apnea and other types of sleep-disordered breathing like upper airway resistance syndrome. But the mouth breathing we talked about above is a big one. 

With a small upper jaw, there isn’t enough room for the tongue to rest in the proper position. It can sit lower and further back than it should. Kids and adults may also have weakened oral muscles. The tongue and lax tissues can then obstruct the airway during sleep, temporarily stopping breathing, which is called obstructive sleep apnea. 

Sleep-disordered breathing causes poor quality sleep, decreased oxygen intake, which stresses internal organs, including the brain, and constant adrenaline surges during sleep.

In adults, sleep apnea produces symptoms, including:

  • Daytime fatigue
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Decreased libido
  • Depression

It also significantly increases the risk for:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke 

In kids, the symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing are different. Unlike adults whose first sign there is a problem is fatigue, kids tend to get hyperactive instead. The sleep deprivation and reduced oxygen intake can cause:

  • Bedwetting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lack of focus 
  • Behavioral problems, including aggression
  • Increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Headaches
  • Poor school performance
  • Disrupted Stress Response

Stanford researchers published a study in the journal BioScience exploring the epidemic of health conditions caused by small jaws. One of the many interesting topics covered was stress. 

Stress interrupts sleep but poor quality and quantity of sleep caused by sleep-disordered breathing also causes stress, creating a dangerous feedback system. 

The authors said that this results “in more or less constant sympathetic arousal.” With the body’s stress response chronically activated, it takes a toll on physical, emotional and psychological health. 

  • Jaw Pain and Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction

The teeth and jaw are part of your larger dental and facial system, which also includes the lips, tongue, facial muscles and temporomandibular joints. When one component is off, such as in the case of a too-small upper jaw, it throws everything else off too. 

This bite imbalance puts stress on the TMJ and jaw, potentially causing jaw pain, discomfort and TMJ disorders. It also increases your risk for teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism), which makes the pain and dysfunction even worse. 

  • Neck Pain and Headaches

Speaking of bruxism and TMJ disorders, both problems can cause headaches on their own. Combined with airway obstruction and malocclusion (a bad bite) from a small jaw, things can get pretty painful. 

The review published in Current Trends in Otolaryngology and Rhinology I talked about earlier noted that people with an obstructed airway commonly have a forward head posture. Holding the head forward stresses the cervical spine and neck muscles, causing pain and, over time, nerve compression and spinal issues. 

Another study in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation of patients with TMJ disorder and airway resistance syndrome (a form of sleep-disordered breathing) also found most had a forward head posture and suffered from neck pain and headaches.

  • Inflammation

Many of the issues on this list, including sinus problems, sleep deprivation from sleep-disordered breathing, TMJ disorder and bruxism can contribute to persistent inflammation. 

When teeth are crowded because of a small jaw and narrow dental arch, it may exacerbate the issue. Because crowded teeth are harder to effectively clean, you have a higher risk of developing tooth decay and periodontal disease, or gum disease. 

According to a 2019 article in Disease-A-Month Journal, “As periodontal disease works on the same chronic inflammation model seen in systemic diseases, there is sufficient evidence to suggest a bi-directional link between the two.” In basic terms, this means gum disease is tied to other inflammatory health conditions, including heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and stroke.

The Good News? All of These Issues are Preventable

Now that I’ve probably freaked you out, let’s talk about the bright side. There have been so many advancements in airway-focused orthodontics. At Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics, we use different techniques to widen the upper jaw in order to prevent, intercept or treat malocclusion and the related airway and breathing problems. 

In children and younger teens, the two halves of the maxilla aren’t fused yet. So we can use a Schwartz appliance or other palate expander to push the halves apart and expand the jaw. Eventually, new bone forms in the center, stabilizing the expansion. This can lead to significant improvements in quality of life.

Starting treatment when kids still have some of their baby teeth ensures when the permanent teeth come in, they’ll have enough room to erupt centered in the bone. This means less crowding and avoiding the need for extractions or surgical correction. 

As for adults, while in the past palatal expansion wasn’t possible without orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery), that’s changing. Dr. Cronin and I offer a cutting-edge, non-surgical technique known as maxillary skeletal expansion (MSE), also called miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE), for certain cases. 

We place a palatal expander and secure it with temporary implants in the palate. We do all of this in the office with just local anesthesia. The expander widens the upper jaw to treat a crossbite, crowding and other types of malocclusion with the benefit of also being a minimally invasive form of obstructed airway treatment. 

Airway Orthodontics in Westminster, Colorado

Ready to find out how airway treatment and palatal expansion can help you breathe easier and smile more confidently? Book a complimentary consultation at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics today! Our practice serves patients of all ages in Westminster, Arvada, Denver and the surrounding areas using state-of-the-art technology and evidence-based techniques. 

Our Itinerary for the Perfect Day in Denver With Kids

As parents to two little ones, Dr. Carolyn Cronin and I are always on the lookout for fun things to do in Denver with kids. And, when we’re not perfecting our awesome patients’ smiles at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics in Westminster, CO, we can usually be found exploring activities in the area. Well, to help our fellow parents make this summer one to remember, we’re sharing our itinerary for the perfect day in Denver with kids. 

The Morning

  • Work up an appetite at the Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster. The Butterfly Pavilion is one of our favorite things to do in Metro Denver with our kids. The non-profit invertebrate zoo has gardens, nature trails, educational programs and hands-on learning experiences through its exhibits. Our daughter is all about the butterflies and I enjoy checking out the pollinator habitats. Fun fact: I spent a year after college traveling the country and researching the declining species of our world’s pollinators.
  • Grab brunch at a kid-friendly Denver-area restaurant. A few of our faves include:
  • Berkeley Donuts – Berkeley Donuts, located inside of Hops & Pie, has the BEST donuts in Colorado. Our family goes there every Sunday. 
  • Snooze – This popular breakfast spot uses fresh, responsibly sourced ingredients for its dishes, which range from healthy to decadent. With several locations in Denver and one in the north suburbs close to our practice, it makes for a convenient, delicious brunch. 
  • Leevers Locavore – Leevers Locavore is another of our family favorites. The natural grocery store and market in Denver’s Northside has ready-to-eat items perfect for a quick meal with kids and fun events like Cars & Coffee & Pancakes. We love checking out the local vendors, getting a free cup of coffee and enjoying face painting and other activities.
  • Wrap up the morning at the Denver Zoo. If you’re ever stuck trying to figure out what to do with kids in Denver, you can’t go wrong with the Zoo. In fact, our family even has season passes. With over 3,000 creatures, tons of attractions and outstanding educational programs, you could spend an entire day there. If the kids are still hungry after brunch, treat them to some Dippin’ Dots (our daughter’s favorite) before you leave.

    The Early Afternoon

  • Learn through play at the Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus. The Children’s Museum of Denver is pure magic for children. We go so often, it’s another place our family has season passes for. Our toddler is thrilled by the interactive environment. All of the exhibits, ranging from a fire station to a life-like veterinarian’s office, are hands-on, so kids can touch, explore and learn.
  • Have a picnic at Confluence Park. Pick up some sandwiches and snacks from the Cafe at the Children’s Museum and head to Confluence Park, which is close by. Eat lunch while you watch the kayakers or enjoy the views of downtown from the sandy banks.

Late Afternoon

  • Splash around at Elitch Gardens Theme & Water Park. Make your way from Confluence park to Elitch Gardens Theme & Water Park. Elitch Gardens is super popular with our North Denver orthodontics patients and most of them have season passes. If you have younger kids, the park does have kids’ rides for the littlest visitors.
  • Or spend the rest of the afternoon at Water World. Another great option in the Denver area is Water World in Federal Heights. The water park has thrills for kids, teenagers and adults, as well as fun for small children


  • Have dinner. If your kids aren’t ready for a nap just yet, go out for a family dinner at another of the kid-friendly Denver-area restaurants. Our roots are in Chicago, so Dr. Cronin and I are huge pizza fans, a trait we passed down to our daughter. Here are our recommendations:
  • Homegrown Tap & Dough – Homegrown Tap & Dough in Olde Town Arvada serves hand-tossed, wood-fired pizzas and house-made pasta. The restaurant also has fun touches for the kids like ski chairs and a gondola. 
  • Kokopelli Beer Company – Kokopelli is a woman-owned brewpub in Westminster, a stone’s throw from our office. The pizza is fantastic, though there are plenty of other offerings if you want something different. They also have a kids’ menu. 
  • Li’l Nick’s Pizza – Li’L Nick’s in Wheat Ridge, CO has the old-school feel of a pizza parlor that reminds us of going out for pizza when we were growing up.
  • Enjoy a movie at one of the outdoor movie nights in Denver. Depending on which day you choose to try out our Denver itinerary, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find an outdoor, family-friendly movie (many of the events are free!). Check out the options here

Schedule a Visit With Your Favorite Westminster, CO Orthodontist

Whether you attempt to tackle our Denver itinerary in a single day or you decide to spread it out over the summer, we hope your family loves the activities as much as our family does. When there’s a lull in the summer fun, schedule a complimentary consultation at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics for your child or yourself. As board-certified orthodontists in Westminster, CO, Dr. Cronin and I help patients of all ages get the healthy, beautiful smiles they deserve. 

Sore Teeth? The Best Denver-Area Ice Cream Shops Serving Up Sweet Relief


What’s not to love about the Denver area? It’s beautiful, there are so many amazing outdoor activities and we get close to 300 days of sunshine a year. Another perk to add to the list? The top-notch ice cream shops! Yup, I may be a Westminster orthodontist, but even I enjoy the occasional frozen, sweet treat.


And, yes, you can eat ice cream with braces or aligners. In fact, when it comes to soft foods for braces, it’s one of the options Dr. Carolyn Cronin and I recommend to our patients. In this post, I’ll be covering a few basics about Invisalign® and braces pain, as well as my top picks for where to get ice cream in Denver and the surrounding area. 


Are Invisalign and Braces Painful?


The good news is, orthodontic treatments have come a long way. While in the past, braces pain was par for the course, the modern appliances we offer at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics straighten teeth more comfortably and efficiently. We use clear braces and metal braces from American Orthodontics. The streamlined, cutting-edge brackets are paired with lightweight wires that exert gentle, controlled force to shift the teeth into place. 


That said, though you won’t feel severe braces pain the first week of treatment or at any point after, you might have some general soreness in your mouth and your teeth can be sensitive to biting pressure when you get your braces on and, occasionally, after adjustments. Within a few days, any mild discomfort will go away and you’ll probably forget you’re even wearing an appliance. 


Will your teeth hurt with Invisalign? Again, you might have minor discomfort when you start treatment and sometimes when changing to a new tray. Just like with braces, it will subside quickly and just means your Invisalign is working! Overall, because Invisalign doesn’t involve brackets and wires and also exerts gentle force to move the teeth, treatment is incredibly comfortable. 


How to Relieve Braces Pain or Invisalign Discomfort

As for how to relieve braces pain or Invisalign discomfort, one of the easiest and most effective things you can do is stick with a soft foods diet until the tenderness improves. 


When trying to decide what to eat with braces the first week, anything that requires minimal chewing and is easy on the mouth will do the trick. Ideal soft foods for braces wearers include mashed potatoes, yogurt, oatmeal, protein shakes and macaroni and cheese. Even though you can eat whatever you want during clear aligner treatment, if your Invisalign hurts when putting in a new tray, you might also find temporarily eating soft foods helpful. 


Cold things like milkshakes and ice cream are especially soothing, because the cold offers a little numbing power. As long as the ice cream doesn’t contain anything really sticky or hard like nuts, it won’t damage your appliance. If you’re one of our Westminster or Arvada Invisalign patients, since you’ll take your aligners out before eating, there are no restrictions on flavors or toppings. 


Even though ice cream does have sugar in it, it’s less likely to cause cavities compared to most other sweets. This is because it rinses off the teeth easily and doesn’t sit on the enamel feeding the cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth. As long as you have ice cream in moderation throughout your treatment and you brush your teeth after eating it (or at least swish with some water), it gets the Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics’ seal of approval!


The Best Ice Cream in the Denver Area

Well, we’ve established that orthodontic treatment is the perfect excuse to treat yourself to some ice cream, so it’s on to the more pressing issue of where to get it. To help, I’m sharing my favorite Denver area ice cream shops:


  1. Little Man Ice Cream – Denver, CO – Little Man Ice cream launched in 2008, serving up scoops out of a 28-foot cream can in LoHi. Now considered by many to have the best ice cream in Denver, they’ve expanded to six locations through their sister shops, Sweet Cooie’s, The Constellation, Little Man Ice Cream Factory, Old Town Churn and DANG Soft Serve. The homemade ice cream is made with locally-sourced ingredients and boasts innovative flavors. Bonus: they have options for everyone, including vegan and gluten-free versions of their fan favorites. Dr. Carolyn Cronin’s favorite ice cream is their Salted Oreo!



  2. High Point Creamery – Denver, CO – High Point Creamery uses fresh, local ingredients in their decadent, tasty creations. The owners spent years perfecting their recipes and it shows! While you can’t go wrong with any of the flavors (the basil with blackberry swirl is wildly popular), if you’d prefer variety or can’t decide on just one, you can also order an ice cream flight.



  3. Scrumptious – Arvada, CO – Scrumptious doesn’t just sell candy and sodas, it’s also a microcreamery. They whip up homemade ice cream in their store in Olde Town Arvada and it’s really, really good. The flavors rotate, but there’s always a nice mix of classic flavors and unique combinations. Dr. Scott Czarnik loves sneaking a scoop of Scrumptious at lunch.



  4. Yogurt Brothers – Westminster, CO – Okay, so technically Yogurt Brothers isn’t a Westminster ice cream shop since they make frozen yogurt, but the frozen yogurt is delicious and great for soothing sore teeth. The self-serve store offers 16 flavors of fresh frozen yogurt and tons of toppings. You can top your yogurt with fruit and keep it on the healthy side or go all in with some cheesecake bites. Just be sure to steer clear of really crunchy or sticky toppings like nuts and gummy candy if you have braces.



  5. Sweet Cow – Denver Metro Area – Sweet Cow started with one ice cream shop in Louisville, CO and now has locations across the Denver metro area. They make handcrafted ice cream on site, fresh daily. At Sweet Cow, you’ll find some year-round staple flavors and a bunch more that rotate regularly, including a few non-dairy options.



  6. Bonnie Brae Ice Cream – Denver, CO – This family-owned Denver ice cream shop has been around since 1986. The neighborhood spot makes their ice cream fresh every day and has over 30 flavors to satisfy any sweet tooth. Eat your ice cream right there at the shop or take advantage of their takeout and delivery options.



  7. Frozen Spirals – Westminster, CO – Frozen Spirals is the go-to spot for rolled ice cream in Westminster. They turn liquid cream and milk into ice cream on their cold plates right in front of you. You have complete creative control over your treat and get to choose your mix-ins and toppings. Though the rolled ice cream is, well, rolled, it’s still soft, cold and easy to eat with braces.



  8. Nuggs – Denver, CO – Nuggs is another family-owned shop. They use fresh, all natural, local ingredients in their award-winning ice cream. Their menu is made up of traditional, seasonal and a few more daring flavors, all of which you can enjoy on their patio. Nuggs also makes some of the best milkshakes in Denver.



  9. Liks Ice Cream – Denver, CO – Liks is a locally owned creamery that’s been in business since 1976. Its Denver scoop shop in Capitol Hill has an excellent neighborhood feel and serves handcrafted ice cream, sorbet and vegan flavors. Liks also has a second location on Highway 285 in Conifer. The flavors rotate daily at the shops and they offer pints you can order online for pickup.



  10.  Sweet Action – Denver, CO – Sweet Action uses natural ingredients sourced from Colorado in their handcrafted ice cream. Committed to sustainability, its stores and manufactory are all 100% wind-powered. The flavors, both traditional and one-of-a-kind, are made in small batches and change frequently. They also have vegan options. If you can’t get to one of Sweet Action’s scoop shops, you can purchase the ice cream at select Whole Foods and Natural Grocers.

Ready for a Sweet New Smile?

Now that you know ice cream is still on the menu during braces and Invisalign treatment, are you ready to get a fantastic new smile? Schedule a complimentary consultation at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics in Westminster, CO. As a husband and wife orthodontic team, our patients get double the expertise and in a fun, family-friendly atmosphere.


Halloween: Candy, Costumes, And More!

All Hallows’ Eve, more commonly known as Halloween, is a yearly event celebrated on October 31, and one that is anticipated by the young and young at heart all over the world. Some scholars claim that Halloween originated from Celtic festivals that honored the dead or that celebrated the harvest, while others doubt that there’s any connection at all to Samhain (a Gaelic harvest festival.) Regardless of its origin, our team at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics hopes that Halloween is fun and enjoyed by all of our awesome patients!

Trick or treat?

In North America, Halloween is predominantly celebrated by children who dress up in costumes, which range from scary to cute, who then go around the neighborhood knocking on doors asking “trick or treat”, and they are given candy in return. Trick-or-treating is a time honored tradition, and though many parents groan at the pounds and pounds of candy collected by youngsters and fear for the health of their teeth, there are a few things you can do to help their teeth stay in great shape until the candy is gone:

  • Limit the amount of candy they can consume each day
  • Have them brush their teeth after eating candy
  • Avoid hard, chewy candies as they can stick in hard to brush places
  • Keep candy out of sight to reduce temptation
  • Don’t buy candy too far in advance to limit pre-Halloween consumption
  • Help or encourage your children to floss

Halloween Fun

Halloween isn’t just about gorging on candy; there are other events associated with this festive day including carving jack-o’-lanterns, painting pumpkins, decorating sugar cookies, bobbing for apples, going to haunted houses, or just curling up on the couch with a bowl full of popcorn and watching some classic, scary movies.

Halloween Around the World

Some countries, like Australia, frown upon Halloween, claiming it is an American event and not based in Australian culture, while others like Italy have embraced the fun and celebrate much as Canadians and Americans do. Mexicans have been celebrating this fun day since around 1960, and it marks the beginning of the Day of the Dead festival. Some countries in Europe have come late to the party, but since the 1990s, countries like Sweden, Norway, and Germany have started celebrating Halloween as well, and finding children in costumes or having ghosts hanging in windows has become commonplace.

Halloween is about fun; stepping outside our normal lives and donning a costume or gathering with friends to knock on doors and ask for candy is as much a part of our culture as hot dogs and barbecue on Labor Day. Have a safe and happy Halloween from the team at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics!

Rubber Band Horoscopes: What Your Color Says About You

One exciting part about wearing braces from Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics is getting to choose the colors of your rubber bands. Orthodontists place elastic bands, or ligatures, over each bracket to secure the archwire in place. These rubber bands may be individual or connected, depending on your mouth’s needs. From Dr. Cronin or Dr. Czarnik, you have the option of choosing the color of your elastics, which are changed about once every month at every visit. Our offices keep a color wheel handy to help you choose which ones suit you best!

Children and teens often enjoy picking different colors each month to express their creativity and coordinate their braces with outfits. Decorating your mouth with your favorite colors is fun for kids and takes some of the stress out of wearing braces. Adults who wish for subtlety have color options that blend in with the metal brackets and archwire. Common choices for adults include silver, clear, and gray tones.

Common Color Combinations for Rubber Bands

With individual ligatures for each bracket, you may choose different color combinations for special events. You can have alternating colors or place an entire rainbow over your teeth. Here are a few options to consider:

  • School spirit colors
  • Favorite sports team colors
  • Patriotic colors
  • Holiday themes

Some patients choose only one color to match their mood, personality, or favorite outfits. The palette of choices allows you to make bold statements with your braces or go for subtler tones that blend in with the metal structures. Keep in mind that bright colors make your teeth look whiter, while lighter shades, such as yellow and white, may cause your teeth to appear less bright.

What Your Rubber Band Color Says About You

  • Red tones indicate that you are ready for action and take charge of your life with aggressive, forward-thinking steps.
  • Blue tones are calm and relaxing. You are conservative and exhibit integrity when dealing with situations.
  • Green tones represent growth and balance. You are level-headed and look for opportunities to grow emotionally and spiritually.
  • Purple tones attract creative energies. You like to have fun and use your imagination in every aspect of your life.
  • Orange tones indicate that you are optimistic and thrive in social situations where communication is open.
  • Pink is a romantic color that represents a caring personality. You also enjoy having fun with silly games and endless laughter.

Braces-Friendly Recipe: Dinner

Wearing braces during your treatment at Cronin & Czarnik Orthodontics presents some unique challenges in the types of food you can safely eat. The wrong items can be difficult to remove from between your teeth and the appliance. Other foods may even break or loosen your braces.

Dinner recipe ideas

Lasagna is a great dinner choice because it provides you with several food groups in one easy dish.

  • 1 ½ pounds ground hamburger
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tsp. basil
  • 1 pound diced tomatoes — canned is fine
  • 12 oz. tomato paste
  • 1 package of dry spaghetti sauce mix for seasoning
  • 10 oz. box dry lasagna
  • 3 cups ricotta or cottage cheese or 1 ½ cups each mixed
  • ½-cup Parmesan cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 pound sliced or shredded Mozzarella cheese

Brown and drain your hamburger meat. Dice the garlic and simmer the hamburger, garlic, basil, diced tomatoes, tomato paste and powdered sauce mix for ½ hour.

Cook the lasagna noodles as directed on the package and drain.

Beat the eggs and combine them with your ricotta or cottage cheese.

Layer ½ of the noodles in a 13 x 9 pan. Spread ½ of your cottage cheese mix on top of the noodles, then layer ½ of the mozzarella on top. Finish this layer with ½ of your hamburger mix. Repeat the layering with the other half of your ingredients. Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes.


You can enjoy ribs and chicken wings as long as you cut the meat from the bone before you eat. The same rule applies to turkey legs; do not gnaw on bones, because this can damage your braces.

Vegetables and fruits

You still need to include fruits and vegetables in your daily meals. Skip corn on the bob, whole apples, and raw carrots. Broccoli is soft but particles can become stuck in your braces, so be sure to brush and floss after your meal.


Avoid caramel, taffy, and hard candies for dessert. Pudding and ice cream are fine, but low-sugar versions are best.

Remember that your mouth will be sore after adjustments with Dr. Cronin or Dr. Czarnik. Stick to softer foods until the sensitivity is reduced. Please do not hesitate to ask our team for recipe and meal ideas. We will be happy to take the time to explain which foods items are the best choices and why.

If you have any questions about these recipes, or if you have any questions about eating with braces, please give us a call at our Westminster, and Winter Park office!

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